Jim Carlson

Elder, Non-Staff

Raised in the church, Jim made a commitment to Jesus in middle school, but it was later in college that he began to understand his faith and commitment to Jesus more fully. God’s mercy, grace and calling began to be more apparent to him. God’s goodness and power continue to be revealed daily.

Jim and Karen have been members of Summit since its extraordinary founding and have been blessed by its growing local ministry over the past several years. Jim has served as an elder and continues his long-term involvement in mission work to Haitians living in the Dominican Republic.

Jim was born and raised in Easton, Maine (go Bears!) with a passion for basketball. He had an opportunity to pursue his roundball interest in college which led him to Gordon College where he met his lovely wife, Karen. After graduating with a degree in Economics from Gordon, he completed an MBA at the University of Connecticut. Jim and Karen moved to Gorham in 1978. They are parents of 3 adult daughters (Britt, Elizabeth, and Laura) all of whom were educated in the Gorham school system. Karen and Jim are proud grandparents of 5 grandsons and 1 granddaughter.

Both Jim and Karen are currently retired. Karen was a first and second grade teacher in Gorham (Narragansett and Village) for many years. Jim began his career as a CPA before jumping into financial and operational management in the telecommunications industry in 1983.